Interview with Ronald van Rijn

Independent and international

For 40 years JBR has been independent with a strong international focus, Ronald van Rijn shares his insights.

Author: Ronald van Rijn

"When I look back over the past 40 years of JBR, the most remarkable thing is that we have been able to maintain continuity," begins Ronald van Rijn. "Many agencies in our market have disappeared over the years because of various challenges. We have managed to remain independent. I find that really special."

He continued: "What makes us unique is not only our determination to remain independent, but also the working environment, which we have managed to create. Our firm is attractive to young talents who are taking our company into the future. The fact that we are still working in harmony with each other after all these years and even have the founder still on board is really something to be proud of."

"The appeal of our office comes from our environment, both for employees and clients. In our office, I feel the energy and vitality of our team. It is really special that after 40 years it still sparkles. We are currently renovating our office so that working in the office is nicer than working at home."

Changes and developments

Over the years we have gone through many changes," Ronald says. "We have become more specialized in sectors. Professionalism to our clients has increased. Because of our 40-year existence and corresponding track record, clients have higher expectations. On the other hand, we have also become more selective in the assignments we take on so that we can meet expectations and be rewarded for it.

A growth ambition is necessary because we believe it is important for our people to continue to develop. If the dealsize and the number of assignments goes up, then the team has opportunities for growth and we as an office remain relevant to our people. They are very loyal, which is a great compliment for us."

International focus and travel

"We have always traveled a lot and this has taught us to be less quick to judge and look at situations from different angles. Traveling makes you more flexible and helps you understand situations better. Our international focus has always been an important aspect of our work," Ronald explains. "We have gained a lot of valuable international experience. It has also helped us grow as an organization."

From Global M&A to REACH

JBR is affiliated with a global network of 24 corporate finance firms. "The name change from Global M&A to REACH was a strategic step to give our network a stronger identity," says Ronald. "With REACH, we want to show that we are a global network ready to assist clients in international transactions. We work closely with other offices within REACH on mandates and organize regular meetings to exchange knowledge and strengthen our cooperation."

Mentoring and team development

Ronald reflects on an insight he gained during the period between the ages of 40 and 50. "At that stage of life, I began to realize that until you're 40, you need 'fathers and mothers' - figures who inspire and guide you along your path. But as you enter the second half of your career, your role shifts to that of interlocutor. It's all about the interplay between experience and new energy to keep growing and evolving."

"It's a mechanism that applies both professionally and privately," he adds. "If you lose interest in the younger generation, you lose not only an important source of energy, but also an opportunity to continue to learn and inspire."

This insight has helped Ronald in his life. "It has taught me to always stay open to new perspectives and to keep investing in the development of others," he concludes. "Because in the end, it's that dynamic exchange between generations that feeds and energizes us all to keep moving forward."

With a focus on the future and a strong foundation of experience and cooperation, JBR is well positioned for further growth and success in the coming years.

Please contact me personally if you would like to know what JBR can do for you.


Ronald van Rijn
Managing Partner JBR