http://Merijn%20Veltkamp http://Merijn%20Veltkamp

Merijn Veltkamp


  • Sector: Food & Agri, Digital & Technology
  • Service: Strategy

'Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.'

For me, strategy is the art of identifying issues that are critical to an organization's future and formulating an anticipatory vision and policies to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. This requires a combination of analytical én creative skills. I am a generalist and distinguish myself because I have a highly developed creative ability in addition to analytical skills. Precisely because of my different perspective, I can outline surprising new strategies with my clients that are truly distinctive and create added value. Always in combination with a well-founded financial forecast and concrete action plan.

As Director of Strategy, I assist clients who are at a significant crossroads where strategic options have a significant impact on the organization. In doing so, I draw on my more than 15 years of experience as a strategist for clients at home and abroad. Always with feeling for the specific context of an organization, commitment to its people and motivated to go the extra mile for joint success. Together with my colleagues, I want to put this experience and commitment to work for our clients and formulate winning strategies together!

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My credentials.

Type of actuality
A bright orange lifeboat with three men on board. One of the men throws a life preserver into the water.


Commercial due diligence for Smile Invest

  • JBR performs commercial due diligence for Smile Invest
  • Sector: Maritime & Offshore

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A photo taken from the air of a "chemical tanker."


Growth strategy for operator of chemical tankers

  • JBR executes growth strategy for operator of chemical tankers
  • Sector: Maritime & Offshore

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Research on renewable energy in ports

  • JBR conducts study on availability of 3 alternative fuels in 11 selected ports
  • Sector: Maritime & Offshore

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Martkt study for Tank Terminal operator

  • JBR conducts strategic market study for tank terminal operator
  • Sector: Maritime & Offshore

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Growth strategy for transportation company

  • JBR approached by transportation company to define growth strategy
  • Sector: Industrial Markets

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JBR advises clients operating in the Food & Agri sector


Commercial due diligence for family office

  • JBR advises family office with investment decision
  • Sector: food & agri

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Strategy for supplier of industrial LED lighting

  • JBR helps LED lighting supplier sharpen strategic plan
  • Sector: Energy & Materials Transition

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JBR advises on Business Valuation


Growth strategy for European healthcare organization

  • JBR helps European healthcare organization define growth strategy
  • Sector: Healthcare

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JBR is active in the Energy & Environment sector


Growth strategy for wholesaler of pv systems

  • JBR approached by pv systems wholesaler to define growth strategy
  • Sector: Energy & Materials Transition

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Concretize buy-and-build strategy

  • JBR approached to flesh out buy-and-build strategy family office
  • Sector: Industrial Markets

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