http://Alexander%20Beyleveldt http://Alexander%20Beyleveldt

Alexander Beyleveldt

Senior Consultant Corporate Finance

  • Sector: Maritime & Offshore
  • Service: Corporate finance

'Winning is professional teamwork with focus.'

I highly value teamwork. In sports, studies and projects I am always driven to achieve a good result together. My bachelor Economics, master Law & Economics and 2nd master Financial Management give me a broad knowledge of the financial world. After completing my studies I started working at an international firm. Here I have been involved in various merger and acquisition transactions, with a focus on financial due diligence.

In this world, however, one is never done learning. This made me decide to develop myself further in financial knowledge. In mid-2018, I made the move to JBR where I deal with complex financial analyses, (international) merger and acquisition projects and strategic issues.

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